I am a single mother of one, but I keep my "mom life" separate and guarded. One day I might have to cross that bridge of introductions, but it wouldn't be something taken lightly or something happening soon.
Anyway, what else makes me tick:
Randomness. Books. Intelligence. A well-Versed man. This rainstorm blowing through right now making my lights flicker. 19th century British novels. Movie quotes. 'The Great Courses' on my mp3 player. Craft beer. Cheap wine. The little cherry tomatoes growing in my garden. Kink. Writing. Classic literature. The salty smell of the ocean and the west coast sand I'll never fully wash from the floor-mats in my car.
If you'd like to know more, ask.

*btw, the sexiest thing a man can posses: fallibility. You'd be surprised at how few men can admit inexperience, unease, or uncertainty. Confidence goes a long way, but ego can hold you back. If you're open, honest, and can admit the world is a f***ing madhouse, then we'll get along great.
More random:
Fav song at the moment: "Ride" - Chase Rice
Fav quotes:
"Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith. The trust part comes later." (Man of Steel)
"At the end of the game, the pawn and the king go in the same box."