I love the ARTS. I LOVE JESUS. I love going to Seattle and looking at all the weird shops in PIKE PLACE. I love to get down on the floor with the kids and I think that I love getting new playdough more than they do! BAKING is a passion and so relaxing. HELPING PEOPLE makes me feel so good inside... even if it can be sad sometimes.
Zombie movies are my all time fave- and if there is ever an outbreak, I’m hella prepared thanks to my zombie survival guide

My heart is in HISTORY, ART, READING, TRAVELING AND RELIGION. I want to backpack Europe, and visit Egypt, Russia and various places in Asia. I’ve always wanted to learn to sew and own a bakery.
I collect Buddha’s even though I’m a Christian. AUTUMN and the color GREEN are my favorite… so are moose :] Anyone that knows me knows that I would give anyone the shirt off my back.
I would do ANYTHING FOR MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS... MY FAMILY IS MY LIFE- my sisters always know how to make me laugh. My biggest fear is dying alone and not leaving my mark on at least one person.